
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Damn Dam

Alas it has been around two years since my last post, I am a slacker apparently. But working with blogs in my public relations class reminded me of how much I complain about yet don't add to this blog. However today this will change.

So let's start with the good news first. I was paid fifty-dollars from a Uconn Dental School student to work on one of my many cavities for a exam. The fifty-dollars plus free work is what convinced me. But now four and half hours later I may be rethinking my choice. What was to be a simple cavity and filling turned into a holy hell.

Let me introduce you to the dental dam. My new worst enemy. Wearing this contraption for four hours is bad enough, it's hard to breathe, saliva builds in your mouth till you feel you may drown and frankly it hurts. But all this pain is not enough until they publicly humiliate you and make you walk around the dental school with this contraption not once, nor twice or even three times because if your in my shoes you'll have to walk around five times.
I don't know if other students and doctors find this funny but you cannot talk just like when they're fingers are in your mouths; but they sure think you can.
Do they take special classes in understanding the mumbling of patients or is it a learned talent.
Alas I have fifty dollars in my pocket and a free filling. Let's just hope theres no dental dams in my future because I will throw a temper tantrum.
Beware world, beware.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

No Snakes in Ireland?

This whole snake on the loose thing has got me freaked. So I can't stop panicking (I have a serious fear) and I've been keeping my feet up since the incident.
My final paper is due next week in Non-Fiction and as I can't get this snake thing out of my system I feel the only way to let go is through writing about it in my crazy rantings of a insane and scared snake-hater.
For the longest time I've known Ireland was snake free and that in and of itself is something for sure. But surely snakes lived there at one point before being banished by St. Patrick in Lord only knows what year, right? Otherwise how would they've been banished in the first place? If after all these years how come they haven't made their way back. Don't get me wrong I understand it's an island but what about pets and zoos and just nature taking it's course. Is it really possible to banish a species? Or is it all too good to be true? As if the drinking and fields of green green grass isn't enough of an incentive for some... I don't know I don't get it. But this is what I'm gonna find out. Hey, maybe it really is a wonderful place to live. We'll c...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Moving On

Now that I've become a victim I find it hard to move on from the troubles in my past. Just knowing my home was invaded is enough to keep me on edge and in turn my knees back and legs are killing me from blood loss. I had to keep them raised above the ground all weekend due to fear of things slithering on the ground.
A sign from God came early yesterday morning as I woke in a chipper mood and took the dogs on their morning walk. But alas all was not well in my world. No but of course I run into a monster snake. I first noticed it's coils dark green with a thin line of yellow down the middle. At first I thought it was a water hose. Something someone discarded into the pile of leaves at what we dub "The Dumping Zone," for the dogs. Spinning my head in the direction of it's body I came upon it's head. Sure enough the thing was staring right at me. My mouth closed up and not even a small squeak managed to escape. The creature bobbed it's head at me in warning and as it began to lunge I tightened my hold on the dogs and ran. Pulling their choking bodies behind me.
I was chased, followed and pursued. Frankly, this whole weekend has left me feeling rather unsettled and researching snake problems on the worldwide web has only increased my fear. Although the suggestions of salt and moth balls are still on my grocery list. Hey worst case scenario, the salt will deter ghosts, demons and supernatural beings so at least I'll be safe in that respect.....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Say No: Snakes on the Loose

As I sat munching on some Ruffles on my 15 minute break at work I continually pondered the book I was reading. Is it any good? Why am I reading this? If this was my story I would... Only to be interrupted by the disenchanting buzz that is my cell phone. It's Brittany. My best friend, roommate and more often than not partner in crime...
Our usual way of speaking is rather brutal calling each other every viable curse word we can string together; forming our own dictionary of brushoffs. Instead of a snarky response I get a sniveling hard to comprehend "I Love You."
To make matters worse I'm informed that our 2nd floor apartment was not only invaded but is still even now a house of horrors.
Somehow (and I still wonder) how this demon being maneuvered it's way inside. I feel violated and my goosebumps have yet to decrease. 2 hours. 2 hours is what I have till I leave this place. This place is my sanctuary. What I once thought of as a boring drab musty library is now the one place I feel safe. I may have found a roach in the very desk I am sitting at now but at least no slithering beings will caress my ankle or eat me for lunch.
I fear home. Buddy Luv is there. I cannot leave him for death. A brutal death that is sure to follow. But how can I go back there? How can I enter this place now? What if there are more? In my 22 years of living there, the closest a snake ever came to my apartment was the outside window ledge in the living room after climbing the trellis of ivy that covers the entire front of the house.
If you've ever seen Anaconda, Indiana Jones or hell even any movie where a snake makes a cameo and u shiver then put yourself in my shoes. Would u feel safe? There can be more! I mean lord they could be biding there time till I go to sleep and then the whole family will come out of hiding.
TOO BAD. I have some options. I just have to see what works for me..